Whose Human Rights?


My last post spoke about the problem of Human Rights and how it is not being used properly, which you can read here: https://rightblueview.wordpress.com/2011/07/27/are-you-taking-the-human-rights/.  Now in this short post I would like to draw your attention to the compete hypocrisy of the Human Rights Act.

With the exception of the couple mentioned in the previous post*, there has been an increasing use of the Human Rights Act to stop the deportation of convicted criminals, many of whom have carried out horrendous crimes and devastated lives here in the UK.

Compare this to the story of the British nun Jacqueline Jean McEwan, dubbed the ‘Geordie Mother Teresa’ by the Daily Mail.  Sister Jean, now 63 years old, has worked in the city of Bangalore in India since 1982, tirelessly helping leprosy patients in the Sumanahalli Society.  However this week, due to not having a visa, as these were not needed when she arrived in 1982, she was due to be deported.  Had it not been to a last minute decision by Indian Government to grant her a temporary visa while she sorts a more permanent one out, she would have left India where she was living so as to help people.

While the countries are different, it is an interesting comparison on the subject of deportation.  A kind hearted women, who says, “I will strive for their welfare”, faced the prospect of being deported from India.  While in the UK, criminals who have destroyed others welfare cannot deported as they claim it breeches their Human Rights.  If anyone’s Human Rights are being breeched, it is surely the patients of the Sumanahalli Society had Sister Jean been deported!

Also on a final note, compare Sister Jeans selfless work, to some of the cases some Human Rights Lawyers work on, and claim they are protecting the Human Rights of their clients.

Some food for thought I believe…..

The inspiring story of Sister Jean can be found here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2019366/Geordie-Mother-Teresa-granted-minute-reprieve-outcry-deportation.html

*Mr & Mrs Chapti mentioned in the previous post are not convicted criminals, and have no connection whatsoever with the criminals I mention.